I recently had the honor of presenting our paper on Incorporating Social Networks into Leadership Development on behalf of my colleagues Cindy Maupin and Dorothy Carter.
Key takeaways:
1) Practice is outpacing research when it comes to incorporating networks into leadership development.
2) Neither research nor practice has embraced all the ways in which networks might be developed to improve individual leader's effectiveness and the leadership capacity of organizational systems.
3) Development efforts should target individuals' social competence and ability to shape their own and others' networks as well as dyads', teams', and larger collectives' ability to co-create the networks that exist within and beyond their boundaries.
This paper was recognized as the best paper in the The Leadership Quarterly for 2017. Dorthy and I traveled to Center for Creative Leadership to receive the award. It was such a treat to be back at the center and to have the opportunity to share this work. Pictured below:
John Antonakis (Editor of the Leadership Quarterly), Marian Ruderman (Senior Fellow at the Center for Creative Leadership, Dorothy Carter (co-auother, Assistant Professor, University of Georgia, ME, Cheryl Flink (Global Director for Research & Evaluation at the Center for Creative Leadership), and John Ryan (President & CEO Center for Creative Leadership).
You can see the slides from the presentation below and learn more from our paper:
Cullen-Lester, K. L., Maupin, C. K., & Carter, D. R. (2017). Incorporating social networks into leadership development: A conceptual model and evaluation of research and practice. The Leadership Quarterly, 28(1), 130-152.